home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
INI File | 1999-06-29 | 12.8 KB | 534 lines |
- . The sections are defined by individual entities typically UI controls
- ##
- ## App-wide DEFAULTS **********************************************
- ********************************************************************
- ## Font - Typeface,size,weight(FW_BOLD/FW_NORMAL)
- ## RGB triplet
- [MMJB_WideDefaults]
- Font=Arial,9,FW_BOLD
- TextColor=24,41,41
- TextBackColor=102,152,144
- #BackColor=78,158,156
- BackColor=255,213,3
- ForeColor=0,0,0
- ResizeStyle=
- HighLightTextColor=255,255,255
- HighLightTextBackColor=60,60,60
- ResizeStyle=
- MarginWidth=14
- # generic bitmap tiles for background and borders
- BackgroundTile=bgmid.bmp
- LeftBorderTile=bgle.bmp
- RightBorderTile=bgre.bmp
- TopBorderTile=bete.bmp
- BottomBorderTile=bgbe.bmp
- LeftTopCornerTile=bgul.bmp
- RightTopCornerTile=bgur.bmp
- LeftBottomCornerTile=bgll.bmp
- RightBottomCornerTile=bglr.bmp
- ArtBitmap=mmart.bmp
- ## MAIN SCREEN SECTION *********************************************
- ********************************************************************
- ## The main screens
- ## There are two Resize modes - "Tile" or "Stretch" depending on the
- ## background bitmap
- ## For background bitmaps, we allow specifying the btimap name so that
- ## its easier to manipulate without having to change the skin api library.
- ## ResizeMode=Stretch
- ## Dimension :: Coordinates on desktop- left,top,right,bottom
- [MMJBCaption]
- ClassName="MMJBCTRL.LabelCtrl.1"
- Font=Arial,7,FW_BOLD
- Dimension=13,5,80,15
- TextColor=255,255,128
- TextBackColor=0,0,0
- Align=0
- ScrollText=no
- [MMJBPlayer]
- ResizeMode=Stretch
- Dimension=0,0,576,140
- BkgBmpFile="mmplbk.bmp"
- ArtDim=291,21,392,122
- [MMJBPlayerSmall]
- Dimension=0,0,221,63
- BkgBmpFile="tinyplbk.bmp"
- PlayBtnSetXY=12,9
- LabelDim=16,36,205,50
- [MMJBRecorder]
- Dimension=0,0,230,175
- #Dimension=0,0,216,182
- #0,61,85,120
- BkgBmpFile="mmrecbk.bmp"
- RecProgressColor=96,124,237
- RecSuccessColor=0,128,0
- RecWarningColor=255,255,0
- RecFailureColor=255,0,0
- [MMJBDatabase]
- Dimension=0,121,85,180
- #BkgBmpFile="mmdbbk.bmp"
- [MMJBTrackInfo]
- #BkgBmpFile="mmtbbk.bmp"
- [MMJBPlaylist]
- MarginWidth=11
- ButtonGap=2
- TitleBarheight=18
- ## Dimension = left,top,right,bottom in terms of client coordinates
- ## ClassName =Control class name for swappability
- ## LocInBitmap = leftmost point of this button bitmap in the composite bitmap, top =0
- ## value = currencontrol.left coordinate in the bitmap (revisit explanation)
- ********************************************************************
- ## COMMON ITEMS/CONTROLS SECTION ***********************************
- ********************************************************************
- [GL_MinButton]
- ClassName="MMJBCTRL.PushBtnCtrl.1"
- Dimension=9,6,20,16
- LocInBitmap=9
- [GL_MaxButton]
- ClassName="MMJBCTRL.PushBtnCtrl.1"
- Dimension=0,6,9,16
- LocInBitmap=0
- [GL_IconizeButton]
- ClassName="MMJBCTRL.PushBtnCtrl.1"
- Dimension=20,6,31,16
- LocInBitmap=20
- [GL_CloseButton]
- ClassName="MMJBCTRL.PushBtnCtrl.1"
- Dimension=31,6,39,16
- LocInBitmap=31
- ********************************************************************
- ## PLAYER SECTION **************************************************
- ********************************************************************
- ## ** TextButtons **
- [PL_OptionsButton]
- ClassName="MMJBCTRL.TextBtnCtrl.1"
- Dimension= 120,5,160,16
- TextColor=255,222,24
- TextBackColor=0,0,0
- HighLightTextColor=231,156,8
- SelTextColor=255,179,64
- Font=Arial,7,FW_NORMAL
- [PL_RegisterButton]
- ClassName="MMJBCTRL.TextBtnCtrl.1"
- Dimension=160,5,201,16
- TextColor=255,222,24
- TextBackColor=0,0,0
- HighLightTextColor=231,156,8
- SelTextColor=255,179,64
- Font=Arial,7,FW_NORMAL
- [PL_SitesButton]
- ClassName="MMJBCTRL.TextBtnCtrl.1"
- Dimension=201,5,228,16
- TextColor=255,222,24
- TextBackColor=0,0,0
- HighLightTextColor=231,156,8
- SelTextColor=255,179,64
- Font=Arial,7,FW_NORMAL
- [PL_HelpButton]
- ClassName="MMJBCTRL.TextBtnCtrl.1"
- Dimension=228,5,252,16
- TextColor=255,222,24
- TextBackColor=0,0,0
- HighLightTextColor=231,156,8
- SelTextColor=255,179,64
- Font=Arial,7,FW_NORMAL
- ## ** Pushbuttons **
- [PL_MMLogoButton]
- ClassName="MMJBCTRL.PushBtnCtrl.1"
- Dimension=00,00,104,29
- [PL_PrevButton]
- ClassName="MMJBCTRL.PushBtnCtrl.1"
- Dimension=17,102,49,123
- LocInBitmap=0
- [PL_PlayButton]
- ClassName="MMJBCTRL.PushBtnCtrl.1"
- Dimension=78,102,105,123
- LocInBitmap=62
- [PL_StopButton]
- ClassName="MMJBCTRL.PushBtnCtrl.1"
- State=0
- Dimension=132,102,160,123
- LocInBitmap=116
- # All the buttons including Stop are reset to default look
- ResetAll=1
- [PL_NextButton]
- ClassName="MMJBCTRL.PushBtnCtrl.1"
- State=0
- Dimension=160,102,191,123
- LocInBitmap=144
- ## ** Check boxes**
- #Default state - State=0(off) on=1 // 0 is assumed if not mentioned
- [PL_RecordButton]
- ClassName="MMJBCTRL.PushBtnCtrl.1"
- State=0
- Dimension=49,102,77,123
- LocInBitmap=32
- [PL_PauseButton]
- ClassName="MMJBCTRL.PushBtnCtrl.1"
- State=0
- Dimension=104,102,132,123
- LocInBitmap=88
- [PL_DatabaseButton]
- ClassName="MMJBCTRL.PushBtnCtrl.1"
- Dimension=202,36,224,48
- LocInBitmap=0
- [PL_TextButton]
- ClassName="MMJBCTRL.PushBtnCtrl.1"
- Dimension=224,36,248,48
- LocInBitmap=22
- [PL_IMusicButton]
- ClassName="MMJBCTRL.PushBtnCtrl.1"
- Dimension=203,102,251,123
- ## ** Slider bars**
- # Orientation =>vertical = 1/ Horizontal = 0
- # KnobLevel => Initial Knob Setting
- ## Max/MinPosition => Allowing for slider bar having non-slide area e.g vol label
- ## specify the sliding coord (in client coord), relative to the slider bar dimension.
- ## In this example, its some offset from the top and bottom of the
- ## volume slider bar e.g wrt top= 17 and bottom = 86 i.e 63~17+63; 12~17+12
- ## By Default = top(17) and bottom(86) , if unspecified
- [PL_Volume]
- ClassName="SLIDER.MMJBSliderCtrl.1"
- Dimension=264,27,277,100
- DimensionKnob=0,0,14,23
- MinPosition=59
- MaxPosition=11
- NumLevels=10
- Orientation=1
- KnobLevel=5
- [PL_Progress]
- ClassName="SLIDER.MMJBSliderCtrl.1"
- # since the Horslidebar is a thin line,add knob-height/2 above and below
- # so line ycoord = 80 hence top = 80-6, bottom = 80+6
- Dimension=23,84,246,92
- DimensionKnob=0,0,16,8
- ## In this one, the entire width is slidable
- MinPosition=8
- MaxPosition=215
- NumLevels=20
- Orientation=0
- KnobLevel=0
- ## ** Player Label**
- ## Dimension - coordinates
- ## Font Typeface,size,weight(FW_BOLD/FW_NORMAL)
- ## TextColor in RGB if different from MMJBWIdeDefault text color
- ## TextBackColor if different from MMJBWIdeDefault background color
- ## Align Text 0=left,1=Center,2=Right... Nothing specified = Center
- [PL_TrackName]
- ClassName="MMJBCTRL.LabelCtrl.1"
- Dimension=23,61,246,83
- Font=Arial,14,FW_NORMAL
- #Font=ms sans serif,14,FW_NORMAL
- Align=0
- [PL_TrackTime]
- ClassName="MMJBCTRL.LabelCtrl.1"
- Dimension=23,35,190,47
- Font=Arial,7,FW_NORMAL
- Align=0
- ScrollText=no
- [PL_Artist]
- ClassName="MMJBCTRL.LabelCtrl.1"
- Dimension=23,48,246,61
- Font=Arial,9,BOLD
- Align=0
- ********************************************************************
- ## RECORDER SECTION **************************************************
- ********************************************************************
- ## ** Pushbuttons **
- ## Dimension = left,top,right,bottom in terms of client coordinates
- ## ClassName =Control class name for swappability
- ## LocInBitmap = leftmost point of this button bitmap in the composite bitmap, top =0
- ## 0, if not mentioned
- [REC_StartButton]
- ClassName="MMJBCTRL.PushBtnCtrl.1"
- Dimension=20,136,53,157
- LocInBitmap=0
- [REC_StopButton]
- ClassName="MMJBCTRL.PushBtnCtrl.1"
- Dimension=53,136,83,157
- LocInBitmap=33
- [REC_PauseButton]
- ClassName="MMJBCTRL.PushBtnCtrl.1"
- Dimension=88,141,118,162 // temporarily out
- LocInBitmap=63
- [REC_CancelButton]
- ClassName="MMJBCTRL.PushBtnCtrl.1"
- Dimension=83,136,116,157
- LocInBitmap=93
- [REC_EjectButton]
- ClassName="MMJBCTRL.PushBtnCtrl.1"
- Dimension=120,136,156,157
- LocInBitmap=126
- [REC_CDDBButton]
- ClassName="MMJBCTRL.PushBtnCtrl.1"
- Dimension=144,136,191,157
- [REC_AllButton]
- ClassName="MMJBCTRL.PushBtnCtrl.1"
- Dimension=262,5,300,15
- [REC_NoneButton]
- ClassName="MMJBCTRL.PushBtnCtrl.1"
- Dimension=305,5,344,15
- LocInBitmap=39
- [REC_RefreshButton]
- ClassName="MMJBCTRL.PushBtnCtrl.1"
- Dimension=349,5,401,15
- LocInBitmap=85
- // Took from database, as rec hs no info
- [REC_VScroll]
- ClassName="SLIDER.MMJBSliderCtrl.1"
- Dimension=511,30,526,169
- DimensionKnob=0,0,8,13
- #MinPosition=63
- #MaxPosition=12
- NumLevels=10
- Orientation=1
- KnobLevel=10
- ## ** Recorder Labels **
- ## Dimension - coordinates
- ## Font Typeface,size,weight(FW_BOLD/FW_NORMAL)
- ## TextColor in RGB
- ## BackColor if different from screen background color
- ## BackTransparent=1 => text Background is transparent
- ## To prevent label from scrolling, for long text in small
- ## display, set
- ## ScrollText=no else yes, or nothing
- [REC_Album]
- ClassName="MMJBCTRL.LabelCtrl.1"
- Dimension=24,46,219,62
- #Dimension=24,36,219,52
- Font=Arial,8,FW_BOLD
- BackTransparent=0
- Align=0
- [REC_Artist]
- ClassName="MMJBCTRL.LabelCtrl.1"
- Dimension=24,73,219,88
- Font=Arial,8,FW_BOLD
- BackTransparent=0
- Align=0
- [REC_RecStatus]
- ClassName="MMJBCTRL.LabelCtrl.1"
- Dimension=24,99,219,114
- Font=Arial,8,FW_BOLD
- BackTransparent=0
- Align=0
- [REC_WaveStatus]
- ClassName="MMJBCTRL.LabelCtrl.1"
- #Dimension=24,109,219,125
- Dimension=24,115,219,128
- Font=Arial,8,FW_NORMAL
- BackTransparent=0
- [REC_Waveform]
- #Dimension=26,119,218,123
- Dimension=26,115,218,128
- TopColor=255,120,120
- MidColor=240,240,65
- BotColor=40,200,40
- ProgColor=0,0,0
- ********************************************************************
- ## DATABASE SECTION **************************************************
- ********************************************************************
- ## ** Pushbuttons **
- ## Dimension = left,top,right,bottom in terms of client coordinates
- ## ClassName =Control class name for swappability
- ## LocInBitmap = leftmost point of this button bitmap in the composite bitmap, top =0
- ## 0, if not mentioned
- [DB_AddButton]
- ClassName="MMJBCTRL.PushBtnCtrl.1"
- Dimension=129,5,164,15
- LocInBitmap=0
- [DB_DeleteButton]
- ClassName="MMJBCTRL.PushBtnCtrl.1"
- Dimension=169,5,217,15
- LocInBitmap=35
- [DB_TagButton]
- ClassName="MMJBCTRL.PushBtnCtrl.1"
- Dimension=212,5,244,15
- LocInBitmap=83
- [DB_GetMusicButton]
- ClassName="MMJBCTRL.PushBtnCtrl.1"
- Dimension=264,5,318,15
- LocInBitmap=123
- [DB_VScroll]
- ClassName="SLIDER.MMJBSliderCtrl.1"
- Dimension=493,23,505,134
- DimensionKnob=0,0,7,10
- #Dimension=511,30,526,169
- #DimensionKnob=0,0,8,13
- #MinPosition=63
- #MaxPosition=12
- NumLevels=10
- Orientation=1
- KnobLevel=10
- [DB_HScroll]
- Dimension=14,174,510,180
- ClassName="SLIDER.MMJBSliderCtrl.1"
- DimensionKnob=0,0,13,8
- Dimension=12,139,489,143
- #MinPosition=63
- #MaxPosition=12
- NumLevels=20
- Orientation=0
- KnobLevel=0
- ********************************************************************
- ## PLAYLIST SECTION **************************************************
- ********************************************************************
- ## ** Pushbuttons **
- [PLS_DockButton]
- ClassName="MMJBCTRL.PushBtnCtrl.1"
- Dimension=332,8,342,18
- LocInBitmap=9
- [PLS_UndockButton]
- ClassName="MMJBCTRL.PushBtnCtrl.1"
- Dimension=342,8,351,18
- LocInBitmap=20
- [PLS_AutoDjButton]
- ClassName="MMJBCTRL.PushBtnCtrl.1"
- Dimension=445,16,484,25
- LocInBitmap=0
- [PLS_SaveButton]
- ClassName="MMJBCTRL.PushBtnCtrl.1"
- Dimension=484,19,528,28
- LocInBitmap=39
- [PLS_DeleteButton]
- ClassName="MMJBCTRL.PushBtnCtrl.1"
- Dimension=528,18,571,27
- LocInBitmap=83
- [PLS_ClearButton]
- ClassName="MMJBCTRL.PushBtnCtrl.1"
- Dimension=571,18,614,27
- LocInBitmap=126
- ********************************************************************
- ## TRACKINFO SECTION **************************************************
- ********************************************************************
- ## ** Radiobuttons **
- ## Current limit to number of radio button in a set is 8, but will be extended if
- ## required
- ## ResetAll = 1 => All the buttons in radio group reset to default look when this \
- ## member is pressed
- [TI_InfoRadioGroup]
- ClassName="MMJBCTRL.RadBtnCtrl.1"
- NumBtns=3
- # Specify these in the proper order (increasing x,y)
- 1=TI_LyricsButton
- 2=TI_NotesButton
- 3=TI_BiosButton
- [TI_LyricsButton]
- ClassName="MMJBCTRL.PushBtnCtrl.1"
- Dimension=172,5,219,15
- LocInBitmap=0
- [TI_NotesButton]
- ClassName="MMJBCTRL.PushBtnCtrl.1"
- Dimension=215,5,259,15
- LocInBitmap=42
- [TI_BiosButton]
- ClassName="MMJBCTRL.PushBtnCtrl.1"
- Dimension=258,5,290,15
- LocInBitmap=88
- ##** Push Buttons***
- [TI_BuyCDButton]
- ClassName="MMJBCTRL.PushBtnCtrl.1"
- Dimension=302,5,346,15
- ## Stealing this bitmap from DB_TagButton
- [TI_TagButton]
- ClassName="MMJBCTRL.PushBtnCtrl.1"
- Dimension=124,5,156,15
- 198,5,230,15
- LocInBitmap=83
- *************************************************************************
- ## Generic buttons
- [GL_GenericButton]
- ClassName="MMJBCTRL.PushBtnCtrl.1"
- Dimension=0,0,23,9
- [GL_GenericCheckbox]
- ClassName="MMJBCTRL.PushBtnCtrl.1"
- Dimension=0,0,9,9